Environmental Consumption: How Many MB Whenever You Watch TV Abroad?


Good news! From this year you can watch Dutch television on your smartphone throughout the EU. This is because the so-called “geoblock” has been abolished. Do you pay attention to the MB’s of your Sim Only internet bundle? Video streaming costs a lot of data. We figured out exactly how much!

Since this year it is easier and more accessible to buy twitch viewers and stream Dutch television programs on your smartphone. Since last year you can use your internet bundle throughout the European Union, because roaming costs have been abolished. In addition, the geoblock for television has been lifted this year: this means that you can use your TV provider’s streaming app throughout the EU. You will then no longer be notified that the broadcast is not available for your location.

What is a Streaming App?

What is a streaming app sim only sim-yo? A streaming app is an app for your smartphone or tablet that allows you to watch live environmental shows or a film or series via the internet. Examples? The app from your TV provider for example! For example, KPN has the Interactive TV app, with which you can watch live television and watch programs afterwards. This app is free to use. Netflix is ​​also a streaming app. You can take out a monthly terminable subscription for this and then stream on-demand films and series. Streaming apps work via both WiFi and mobile internet.

How Many MB do Streaming Apps Use?

Data usage streaming apps sim only sim-yo Watching television via a streaming app therefore costs MB’S. Because there are different formats of internet bundles, we figured out how many MB’s it costs on average if you watch a certain type of program. Please note: these are our own results, there is a chance that the data consumption on your device and with your streaming app will differ.

How Much MB Does Streaming a Sports Match Cost?

We recommend a large internet bundle for streaming a sports competition. A Formula 1 match or football match lasts an hour and a half on average. If you stick a piece of per-or post-reflection on it, then you look for two hours before you know it. Check before you go to see how much MB you have left, because streaming for an hour and a half will cost you at least 1.5 GB of data with outliers upwards.

How Much MB Does Streaming a Netflix Series Cost?

Streaming Netflix videos also costs you around 1 GB per hour. Most series last around 40 minutes. This costs you at least 650 MB. With Netflix it is therefore more interesting to store videos offline. With this you download the episode in advance and this usually costs less data. How many exactly? That differs per series and length. It is even smarter to use WiFi for this.

How Many MB Does Netflix Use When You Stream a Movie?

How much MB Netflix consumed sim only sim-yo Streaming a movie on Netflix costs you at least 1.5 GB. We assume that the film lasts an hour and a half. Keep the 1 GB of streaming per hour to calculate for yourself how much data the streaming costs you. Do you watch a movie via your provider’s streaming app? Even then you can maintain at least 1 GB per hour. Tip: stop streaming if there is advertising. Saves unnecessary streaming MB’s!