The best comfort for humans, the worst beds for polar bears: the worst outcomes for humanity.

The existence of global warming is well-known fact, and even if you do not believe in global warming the fact that you’re polluting and causing negative effects on the environment and to your immediate surroundings is already a reason for you to stop and to change your ways. Do not use your belief of the non-existence of global warming and climate change as a reason to continue a lifestyle that pollutes the world and your community.

Perhaps the reason why people don’t believe in global warming is because it doesn’t directly affect them. We prioritize our comfort before anything else without considering the effects of our actions to our community and to the whole planet. We live a lifestyle of luxury. We own the best beds, the best food – our wants our prioritized over the needs of other people, other species, and the needs of the future generations.

The planet is experiencing a negative change, yet people are turning a blind eye or are refusing the truth presented to them. You say that the ice-caps are doing fine as the sea levels have only risen a couple of centimeters, this is what you see, but what is the reality of the matter? Icebergs already occupy a certain volume of the earth’s seas so when it melts it only presents us a minimal data on increasing sea levels, but the melting of icebergs is more than just the loss of habitats for cold-cap thriving species like the polar bears and walruses – the loss of icebergs results into a chain reaction of negative effects.

If the starvation, and loss of homes of polar bears isn’t enough of a justification for you, picture this the loss of icebergs results to huge disturbances on homeostasis of the whole planet – that means a change in climate and thus the inability of some crops to produce in an area and the inability of some men to survive the winter, the melting of glaciers results to increased sea levels that would displace a whole lot of people from different parts of the world and many other problems that technology would find difficult or perhaps impossible to fix. Check out the video below to get a better and more in-depth understanding about how global warming affects the overall balance of the planet and of course of our lives and the lives of your children.

the effects of global warming are gradual but deadly – preventing something from dying is easier than fixing a long-gone problem.