It is expected of the children to take good care of its mother. Perhaps this is the reason why we have always cared for Mother Nature ever since we were little kids. It is us, humans, who live in this world and we owe it to nature whatever we are enjoying right now. Therefore, it is our duty to protect the environment and stop its further degredation.
Unfortunately, as the years go by, human practices became the very reason why the environment is facing a grim future. This is certainly a long way from how we were as children when we were taught how to pick up the trash and dispose them properly.
It seems like all those lessons that we learned in school, from segragating waste materials to recycling, have all been forgotten.
One of the dangerous practices that we have learned and adapted to is the mass production of plastics. There are many things made of plastic that we throw right away after use, and one of those is plastic straw. It is not surprising that billions of plastic straws end up in the trash bin every day, and the sad part is that some of these plastic straws make their way to the ocean, threatening the lives of marine animals.
The Answer To Stop The Increase Of Plastic Straw Waste Is Not As Simple As It Seems
Many people have started to use alternatives to plastic straw in drinking beverage. The solution is to come up with a straw made of some material that can be reused instead of directly thrown away. Thus, metal straw became a popular solution to the ever-growing problem with plastic straws. Granted, this can potentially bring down the number of plastic straws disposed in restaurants as people will no longer have to throw plastic straws after every meal. Instead, they can just bring their reusable metal straws with them and simply wipe them after using.
Unfortunately, supporting or advocating the use of metal straw may not necessarily put an end to all our problems with plastic waste. This is because the ones who are still producing plastic straw must be the one to fix the problem first.
Even though metal straw is there as an alternative to plastic straw, its cost is quite expensive that it is unlikely for someone to buy one at the store for his or her own use.
People can just stick with the usual plastic straw that is very accessible. The same goes with the eco-friendly items that we can use to save the environment, but in reality, purchasing them will cost hefty of bucks.
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