What Are the Major 5 Environmental Issues for 2019?

We all like to perform our part to help the environment. But as time keeps going, we’re discovering new environmental issues.

1. Biodiversity

Biodiversity is the most complicated and crucial aspect of our planet. It is basically every living element and ecosystem that comprises the environment. From the tallest giraffe to the tiniest microorganism, almost everything plays a significant role in the preservation of our world.

2. Water

Water pollution is a massive problem for us and our environment. Not only is polluted water a substantial monetary strain but is also harming both mankind and marine life. With oil spills, a large quantity of plastic waste and hazardous chemicals getting into our waterways, we’re destroying the most valuable resource our world has to offer.

3. Deforestation

We need to have plants and trees to survive. They supply oxygen, food, water and also medicine for all people, throughout the globe. However, if deforestation persists at the pace it’s occurring, we won’t have a lot of the beneficial forestry remaining.


4. Pollution

Pollution is one of the main reasons why many of the other environmental issues, such as climate change and also biodiversity. All of the 7 key forms of pollution – air, water, soil, noise, radioactive, light and even thermal – are impacting our environment. All kinds of pollution and environmental problems are interlinked and affect one another.

5. Climate Change

As indicated out by a latest UN report, without having ‘unprecedented changes’ in our activities and habits, our planet will endure tremendously from global warming within 12 years. Greenhouses gases are the principal cause of climate change, capturing in the sun’s heat and heating the surface of the earth.

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These issues require serious solutions