Green Building is a type of building that in design planning, operation or construction is aiming to eliminate or reduce impacts while creating positive effect both on our natural environment and our climate.
With these objectives, green buildings are aiming to improve quality of life and preserve natural resources.
Because Green is Lean
As a matter of fact, there are several highly attractive features of constructing a green building include but not limited to:
- Efficient usage of resources
- Taking advantage of renewable energy
- Waste and pollution reduction measures and promoting recycling
- Good indoor air quality
- Utilization of nontoxic and sustainable materials
- Consideration of environment in design and construction
- Design enables quick adaption to constantly changing environment
If you are convinced to build one where you can live on, there are many ways on how it can be achieved actually.
Number 1. Intelligent Approach to Energy
Minimizing the use of energy in all phases of building, making renovated and new buildings more comfortable and less costly to run and at the same time, assisting building users to learn how to be efficient too are all part of developing a green building. Apart from that, this includes the integration of low carbon technologies in order to supply the energy needs of the building.
Number 2. Protecting Water Resources
Exploring new ways of improving drinking water as well as wastewater management and efficiency, harvesting water for a safe indoor use in creative ways and minimizing water usage in buildings are only few of the different methods a green building preserves water resources. It additionally considers the potential impact of the actual building, as well as its surrounding on storm water and drainage infrastructure, ensures that these would not put under stress or even hinder from doing its job efficiently.
Number 3. Maximizing Reuse and Minimizing Waste
In this regards, it focuses more on utilizing more durable materials to be able to generate less waste. Aside from that, it accounts for the end of life stage of a particular building by means of preparing demolition reuse and waste recovery. Talking about reuse, it also discusses about the multiple ways of recycling furniture in the house similar to adjustable beds and the likes.