Environmental Risks of Technology

The industrial revolution ushered forth a slew of new technologies such as TL Android Games with enormous potential. Between 1760 and 1840, Europe and the United States underwent a shift to new industrial methods. This has been followed by continuing industrialisation and technical breakthroughs in industrialized nations across the globe, with the environmental consequence of this technology including the exploitation and destruction of our natural environment.

These technologies have harmed our planet in two ways: contamination and natural resource depletion.

1. Pollution of the air and water

When dangerous or excessive amounts of gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide, and methane are injected into the earth’s atmosphere, it is known as air pollution. The primary sources all deal with technology that came during the industrial revolution, such as fossil fuel combustion, factories, power plants, mass agriculture, and automobiles. Air pollution has detrimental health effects on people and animals, as well as contributing to global warming, since rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap thermal energy in the Earth’s atmosphere, causing the global temperature to rise.

2. Natural resource depletion

Another detrimental consequence of technology on the environment is resource depletion. It occurs when a resource is depleted quicker than it can be replaced. Natural resources are those that exist in the world without being generated by people, and they may be continuous or non-renewable. Aquifer depletion, deforestation, mining for fossil fuels and minerals, pollution of resources, soil erosion, and excessive consumption of resources are the most extreme forms of resource depletion.

Amidst the negative effects of technology on the surroundings, a latest increase in global problems such as climate change has prompted the emergence of new environmental technology aimed at assisting in the resolution of some of the most pressing environmental issues that we face as a society by shifting to a more sustainable, low-carbon economy. Environmental technology, sometimes known as “green” or “clean” technology, focuses on the creation of emerging innovations with the goal of conserving, monitoring, or reducing technology’s detrimental effect on the environment and resource use.