Why You Should Buy Eco-Friendly Pet Products


It just seems like such a lot of work to contribute to maintaining a clean and healthy environment, doing your part can be as easy as reading a label. Purchasing eco-friendly pet supplies Made in the USA contributes to environmental protection and economic development in the United States especially among rabbits, but the question is, Can rabbits eats apples?

Here are three arguments in favor of purchasing enviromentally, American-made pet items.

Recycles Materials

1Recycled materials are used to manufacture several eco-friendly items. The carbon footprint of the finished product is lowered when recyclable pre-consumer materials that were bought in the US are used to make products, and a never-ending cycle of eco-friendly manufacturing methods-fueled U.S. production and distribution is also created. These items are also typically produced using far more effective methods that utilize nonrenewable resources, such as the petroleum used to create plastics.

Making products from sustainable, biodegradable, and recyclable materials is essential for reducing our environmental effect. Petmate proudly uses pre-consumer recycled plastic in more than 50% of its products, including kennels, litter pans, and shelters, which are proudly Made in the USA.

stimulates the economy

The American economy is greatly helped by consumers purchasing eco-friendly, American-made goods. 3 All of the money you spend on American-made goods stays in the country. The funds are returned to the American economy to pay American workers, enabling neighborhood businesses to grow and add jobs.

more jobs at home are created

3With millions of jobs being created for inhabitants of the United States, manufacturing is the largest employment sector in the country. When these occupations are moved abroad, they hardly ever return, and a sizable percentage of the population suffers. Every year, workers from nations where the cost of labor is far lower steal American employment from employees in the United States who earn only a small portion of what it costs to pay American workers. Purchasing products created in the United States encourages companies to keep these jobs close to home and hire more Americans.